
About Us

Hi, hello and greetings!

Thanks for stopping Just Talk Beauty, a website for beauty lovers everywhere.

What started out as a small blog for sharing research carried out into the best health and beauty products and gadgets available for home use has turned into a much larger resource and includes a variety of articles on all things beauty as well as info on the latest news and trends in the beauty industry.

You’ll find our honest reviews on products we’ve used as well as research on many other best selling products available. We know how difficult it can be navigating online if you are trying to decide, for example, what’s the best epilator to buy or perhaps wondering what are the benefits of face steaming.

With tonnes of beauty products available now from anti-ageing creams to microdermabrasion machines it’s even more important to be able to find the kind of information you need to help you make an informed decision.

We’re online shoppers ourselves and have bought many beauty tools and skincare creams over the years. We’ve compiled several best lists for products that can save you time not to mention frustration. Disclosure: We should also point out should you make a purchase through any of the links on this site, we may make a commission.

So our aim here and the focus of this site is to bring you both a good mix of info on everyday beauty and skincare topics as well as info on products that people find useful on the market today.

We hope you like this site! If you have any questions, comments, ideas, or suggestions for articles, feel free to get in touch.

Have a great day!


Website Editor